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"The book is a bold move because sharing your personal life and learnings with others involves a lot of courage and Vineetha has surely succeeded in doing so."
"Vineetha is someone who has had game-changing experiences. What she has done is she has brought these experiences to life through her book. I am sure whatever she has shared comes from what she has gone through, and she has shared some very interesting things. She comes across as someone completely honest. What she has written here will change many other lives in a big way."
"It's not necessary that someone who is 50yrs old and is wise and has seen the world is good enough to write self help. I fully believe that it's your experiences, what you learn from them, no matter what your age or what you have done, and how you convey the message is what makes you credible"
"I had met her mom in the last stages of cancer so in a way I have seen her overcome all that and she has helped me some times"
"Vineetha's talk was mind-blowing and amazing! I am looking forward for her book. I think it will completely change my perspective and also improve how I connect with people."
"It's the kind of experiences that Vineetha has gone through that lends credibility to what she has written"
"I think there is a lot of alienation in the society. The work pressure we have, that's what is making people disconnect. A book like this would help someone understand life better and deal with it"